was a small consulting company for
medical engineering, specialized in membrane devices,
especially dialyzers. It was officially registered in Basel,
Switzerland, 1980-1997 and operated by The main activity was consulting to
the dialysis industry for design and calculation of hollow-fiber dialyzers and for techniques for their
(To day there are a few
companies operating under the name Mediconsult, as a search in the Internet
shows, but none of them has anything to do with this
– no more existing –
company. However, it looks like I may have been the first to use
this company name.)
This webpage contains essential publications by Jan Erik Sigdell, who is now retired as a pensioner. Some articles on other
subjects of medical engineering are added on a separate
page. The webpage is kept to a simple
form since it will be of real interest to only a handful of visitors... Dialysis, which is the main
form of treatment of chronic kidney failure by means of the artificial kidney, is based
on mass exchange through a semipermeable membrane between the patient’s blood
and a cleansing liquid, called the dialysate (even though, strictly speaking,
the dialysate would be a linguistically appropriate designation only for what
diffuses through the membrane and not for all the liquid on the dialysate side). The blood flows over one side of the membrane and the
dialysate over the other side. Substances dissolved in the blood, which would
normally be excreted by healthy kidneys, pass through the membrane though
diffusion (driven by the concentration difference between the liquids) and are
washed away by the dialysate. Certain substances, which should remain in the
blood, are counterbalanced by a largely equal concentration of them in the dialysate.
Other substances which need not be excreted are replaced through physiological
regeneration or, if
needed, by means of infusion (or their molecules are too big to be able to pass
the membrane to any important amount). For the water balance, excessive water
in the patient’s blood is, furthermore, extracted through ultrafiltration
through the membrane (driven by a pressure difference between the two liquids),
which also carries substances with it (convection). All this takes place in a device called a dialyzer (or, in British English: dialyser).
It is, of course, also possible to make substances diffuse (or even filtrate) from the dialysate
into the blood. The modern form of a dialyzer
is the hollow-fiber dialyzer. It has a bundle of thousands of parallel hair-thin
hollow fibers, actually very thin tubings, the walls of which form the
membrane. The blood flows inside the fibers and the dialysate flows between
them. Even though other arrangements have been tried in the past, it is proven
both theoretically and practically that the most effective configuration is
that of counterflow, i.e., that the dialysate flows in a direction opposite to
that of the blood flow. The basic problem for performance calculation,
optimization and design is to calculate the mass transfer in such a device. The equations for this are
the same as for heat transfer in a tubular heat exchanger, having an arrangement
with a multitude of parallel metal tubes. This problem has been solved long ago
by Leo Graetz and his solution was published in 1885. In the case of heat exchangers, the thermal diffusion resistance
of the tube wall can be neglected, being far less than in the layers of the
flowing liquids. Therefore, this wall resistance is (as a good approximation)
set to zero in the Graetz solution. However, in the case of hollow-fiber
dialyzers, the mass-diffusion resistance of the fiber wall cannot be neglected,
but its consideration is essential in this case. This calls for a
generalization of the Graetz solution, which didn’t exist before. The author of
this webpage set out to solve this problem in 1969-1970, about which he wrote a
book A Mathematical Theory for the Capillary Artificial Kidney (Hippokrates,
Stuttgart, 1974), available here* in the
PDF format. Regrettably, this theory –
apparently for lack of mathematical knowledge – hasn’t found much attention in the
dialysis industry. Since the theory is on an advanced level of mathematics, the
common approach in the industry is rather to design by cut-and-try,
experimentation and experience, based on rough estimates of the mass transfer
through simpler calculations. The author has, however, applied this theory with
much success in his own work, calculating, optimizing and designing various
hollow-fiber dialyzers in a much more exact and appropriate manner. It is his
hope that this knowledge and procedure will survive to the afterworld… And if
it is spread through the Internet to the industry, to university institutions and
any interested or dedicated person,
it may…
The basic
theoretical work is presented on this webpage in the form of publications
available as PDF files. Its application in the optimization of hollow-fiber
dialyzers is discussed here.
A brief description of the
handling of hollow fibers and assembling them to a dialyzer is given
here. The first commercially
available hollow-fibers (Cuprophan ®,
cellulosic cuprammonium rayon fibers from Akzo AG in Wuppertal, Germany –
earlier Enka Glanzstoff AG)
had a sufficient but not very high ultrafiltration, i.e., permeability to water
flow driven by the pressure difference (the transmembrane pressure). At that time, the basic design didn’t
need much consideration of the effect of ultrafiltration on the mass transfer.
Later, fibers with much higher ultrafiltration were developed and the need
arose for also considering its effect on the mass transfer. This was done in an
extended study by the author, published in an article “Calculation of
combined diffusive and convective mass transfer” in The International
Journal of Artificial Organs (Wichtig, Milano, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 361-371,
1982), available here* as a PDF file.
Combining things, a review was published as Chapter 5: “Operating
Characteristics of Hollow-Fiber Dialyzers” in Clinical Dialysis – Second
Edition, ed. by Allen R. Nissenson et al. (Appleton & Lange, Norwalk,
Connecticut, 1990, pp. 97-117), available here*
as a PDF document. The problem of reversed
filtration Using a hollow-fiber membrane
with a high ultrafiltration permeability, the question about reverse
filtration arises. If there is a local reversion of the transmembrane pressure,
so that at some location in the dialyzer the dialysate pressure becomes higher
than the blood pressure, reverse filtration will occur. This could even occur
as a result of differences in the osmotic pressure. Such a situation is risky,
since if dialysate filtrates into the bloodstream, pyrogens and other
potentially harmful substances or even microparticles or germs could enter the
bloodstream from a not perfectly sterile and pyrogen-free dialysate. Conditions
under which this could occur are discussed in German in the article “Rückfiltration
durch hochpermeable Membranen und grundlegende Beziehungen des
Austauschvorganges”, Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten, Vol. 15, No.
5, 1986, pp. 197-199, available here*. Comparing dialyzers In the 1980es I published a
few articles with long lists of dialyzers available on the market (the lists
are now outdated). In order to compare performance, it is suitable to
recalculate values to a standard surface area, e.g., 1 m2, since the
individual dialyzers have different membrane areas. Formulae for
recalculations were given as an introduction to one of these articles: “Comparison
of Hollow Fiber Dialyzers”, Artificial Organs, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1981,
available here*.
Optimal design of a hollow-fiber
This review of calculation procedures
and other aspects of the OPTIMAL DESIGN OF HOLLOW-FIBER
DIALYZERS is based on theoretical and practical studies of the author as
well as professional experience.
Some provocative texts:
Unconventional thoughts about kidney problems and dialysis
Aluminum and Alzheimer – the evidence from dialysis In
Deutsch: Aluminium und Alzheimer – Indizien aus der
Dialyse * Summary
of publications available on this page: A Mathematical Theory for the Capillary
Artificial Kidney (Hippokrates,
Stuttgart, 1974)
This is a book and
takes time to download! (File size 24.5 MB.)
For those who already have the printed
book: Here are some corrections.
“Calculation of combined diffusive and
convective mass transfer”, The International Journal of Artificial
Organs (Wichtig, Milano, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 361-371, 1982)
“Operating Characteristics of Hollow-Fiber
Dialyzers” in Clinical Dialysis – Second Edition, ed. by Allen
R. Nissenson et al. (Appleton & Lange, Norwalk, Connecticut, 1990, pp.
durch hochpermeable Membranen und grundlegende Beziehungen des
Austauschvorganges”, Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten
(Dustri-Verlag, München, Vol. 15, No. 5, 1986, pp. 197-199) “Comparison of Hollow Fiber Dialyzers”, Artificial
organs (Vol. 5, No. 4, 1981, pp. 401-409)
Some minor corrections and
improvements are introduced in most of these publications
NEW ADDITION: This is what
we may expect more of in times of such things as a financial crisis:
(This report is no more there, but was about a clinic in
Florida that refuses dialysis for the elder or poor.)
So it is all about money, isn't it ... ? This webpage is operated by Dr. Jan Erik Sigdell Dutovlje 105 SI-6221 DUTOVLJE Slovenia Tel. ++386 – 5 – 764 04 67 The e-mail address is
displayed as a picture in the top left corner of this
page. (Presented this way, it is
protected against scanning e-mail addresses for spam.)
Dr. Jan Erik Sigdell
here made available with permission of MVS Medizinverlag
Stuttgart in Germany, of which Hippokrates Verlag is to day a part.
Some improvements, corrections and
remarks have been introduced in the text.
here made available with the permission of Wichtig Editore S.R.L.,
Milano, Italy.
here made available with the permission of McGrawHill, New York,
which company has acquired Appleton & Lange; no changes have been made other
than a few minor corrections which were indicated in the galley proofs but
not carried out.
here made available with the permission of Dustri-Verlag,
Oberhaching, Germany.
here made available with the permission of the editor-in-chief of
the journal Artificial Organs.