Aluminum and Alzheimer
The evidence from dialysis

The toxicity of aluminum (in British English: aluminium) is much discussed in literature and in the Internet. It has been claimed that aluminum is a factor that contributes to Alzheimer's disease [1], since a high content of aluminum is found when brain tissue from dead patients is analyzed. The metal forms and slowly (during decades) builds up hardly soluble complex compounds with proteins, which build in into nervous tissue and form plaques. Even though the aluminum industry (for obvious reasons...) denies it, there is a large body of evidence which sustains this.

A heavy piece of evidence comes from dialysis. In the late 1970es there were some cases of “dialysis dementia” in which it was found that a major factor was a high content of aluminum ions in the water used for preparing the dialysate solution [1-4]. When one switched to aluminum free water, young cases turned out to be reversible. These cases were since little talked about and one may have the impression that the aluminum industry has tried to keep the issue down. Little became known about this in the public, but it was known mainly in  professional circles.

It is quite apparent that we very slowly build up such hardly soluble aluminum complexes throughout decades and that this could finally – most probably in combination with other factors – at the end be an essential factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. The source of this ingested aluminum is to a large extent using cooking pots and utensils made out of the metal and drinking beverages out of aluminum cans!


Some good advice is found here and here. More information here. As concerns cheese, sodium aluminum phosphate is used as an emulsifying agent (“melting salt”) when cheese is processed trough melting to make cheese-spread (often also packed in aluminum foil!) or to form it to cheese slices. Unprocessed cheese should be safe.

To day, however, there is false cheese on the market, so called “analog cheese”! It is artificially made from proteins, artificial flavors, fat and other things and no doubt has a variety of chemical substances. If there are no holes in the cheese, it is suspicious. And study the label! Accordingly, there is since long much artificial yoghurt around. If on the package nothing is written about Lactobacillus or Bifidus, I dont buy it. That “pasteurized milk” is mentioned, but nothing else, is no guarantee! In such a case the milk is probably processed in artificial ways and not fermented.

Psychosomatic consideration
The neglected medical science of psychosomatics is discussed here. In the case of Alzheimer one possible psychosomatic factor (which in that case combines with physical factors like aluminum toxicity) is that the person at any price wants to forget something in his or her life (of course unconsciously). Something he or she is deeply ashamed of, has feelings of guilt for or heavily regrets.

You don’t believe in psychosomatics? I hope you will not have to learn about it the hard way... And I sincerely hope that you will not have to forget all about it! About what? ... I don't remember the issue...”








See also references here: (at the end of the text).

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