Blood viscosity dependence of tube diameter and hematocrit
This is a brief quotation of results reported in the following
valuable article:
A.R. Pries, D. Neuhaus and P. Gaehtgens:
“Blood viscosity in tube flow: dependence
on diameter and hematocrit” in American Journal of Physiology
Heart and Circulatory Physiology,
Vol. 263, Issue 6, 1992, pp H1770-H1778.
The relative viscosity of blood (relative
to water) at body temperature in dependence of the tube diameter D in μm is:
0.45 = 220 e–1.3D
+ 3.2 – 2.44 e–0.06D0.645.
The dependence of the hematocrit is as
in which for hollow fiber dimensions
actual for the use in dialyzers C ≈ 0.8 and HctD
is the overall hematocrit of the blood flowing through the dialyzer (not the
specific hematocrit inside the hollow fiber).
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